IF YOU SUFFER WITH HAIR LOSS OR HAIR THINNING, YOUR DIET MIGHT BE KEY TO PREVENTING FURTHER FALLOUT. HERE ARE THE SUPER FOODS YOU WOULD LIKE TO FEED YOUR HAIR GROWTH Baldness or hair loss is named alopecia and may be a distressing condition. alopecia, when the hair falls call at patches, is typically temporary. Hair loss are often right down to hormonal changes, a medical condition, stress, and nutritional deficiencies. Eat foods with antioxidant flavoring to strengthen hair follicles, iron-rich foods to boost red blood cells, and protein- and silica-rich foods to push hair growth and healthy hair. 1. SOY BEANS Foods derived from soy, like soy beans and are thought to inhibit the formation of a hormone called dihydro testosterone, an imbalance of which is assumed to contribute to hair loss. Key nutrients: Iron, omega-3, vitamin B2, magnesium. How to eat: Aim for a minimum of one 75gm (2½ oz) portion a week. 2.FIGS Figs are an excellent source of iro...